Once again; time has brought Pakistani nation at cross roads, where fate awaits their consent. The game of politics is on. Tried and tested politicians, after floor crossing and all, are being packed and redistributed, with different party labels. Selfish people with selfish interests, feasting on national interests. Elections, just around the corner and people remain indecisive, whom to vote, whom not to vote.
And their confusion is justified. They have lost their trust in their political leaders. They have lost confidence in the power of their vote. And most serious of all, they have lost their faith in democracy.
Peoples party was always believed to be the only party, with a true vision of democracy. Boasting a promise of food, shelter, work and security for every citizen of Pakistan. During Benazir Bhutto's premiership, the party shook off, these responsibilities by blaming the untimely dismissal of their government.
Same was the case with Muslim (Noon) league. People looked up towards them as rescuers. Cherished their take over, when Benazir government was sent home. But they returned with a vengeance. To chew off, whatever was ever done by PPP government and flag it as their own. Selfishly focusing on Lahore and upper Punjab. Nothing for the South Punjab. And totally ignored Balocistan, Sind and NWFP.
As far as declaration of Pakistan, a nuclear state is concerned. It was done as a reaction to India's nuclear tests. It was the need of the time and any government would have taken the step. If Mian Nawaz Sharif or his government claim the credit, they should honor India more, for providing them this opportunity. It was not his government, which had developed these arsenals. But a hard working team of scientists, which spent decades on developing that technology. Nawaz Sharif and his brother, mainly remained occupied in self projection and self promotion.
This provided, a dictator like General Pervez a chance to take over. With him, came the war on terror. Which is still terrorizing our country. General Musharaf, proved another pathetic case of self gratification and self assertion.
The destruction, done to our country by this man, is irreparable. He had eight long years. If he wanted, he could get dams constructed to meet the energy challenge, but he went on for another idiotic option, the use of CNG in vehicles. Inviting another energy crisis, another great inconvenience; shortage of gas for household purposes. Not to forget, the same brought down the industrial life of our country, close to closure.
Remember folks! Modernity or enlightening of minds occur with education and by improving the standard of living of the natives of a country. Not by encouraging them to take off their clothes and go dancing to earn a living or by legalizing prostitution. What he did was, of the similar kind. He remained engrossed, projecting to the world, he was a modern man. The president of Islamic republic of Pakistan kept us well entertained by his dancing, displaying his affection for dogs. And we seriously loved it, believing it to be his humility. Not realizing, the example that he set before us will be followed by the illiterate, ignorant masses in the worst possible, vulgar ways.
What kind of liberalism, modernity or enlightenment, it brought to womanhood in Pakistan? The image of an Islamic state was tarnished, by the stage dancers, who took over the roles of striptease. Many impoverished women were openly found roaming around streets, working as prostitutes. Youtube, dailymotion and similar video sites are replete with Pakistani-semi porn. As gift of liberalism and modernism by this visionary leader. And we lament that 'porn' is the most widely searched topic in our country. With the launch of characters like Veena Malik, we proved it to the world, given the opportunity, Pakistan can be the biggest supplier of porn too.
And now, we come to the biggest political supporters of Musharraf's government. Nothing could be more ironic than 'Jamaat-e-Islami' being a part of it. The massacre of Red mosque, took right under their noses. And all the hypocrites, who claim to be called 'maulanas', went into hibernation, till the victims of that massacre were disposed off. It was few days later, that they came out on streets to protest. When everything was over and they had no fears against being sinned against sinning.
The most disturbing element there was the fact, how an Islamic/educational institute was well supplied with arms and weapons? Why the government was sleeping and what were the intelligence agencies doing while the piles of weapons were being stocked at such a primary location. Whatever, the answers maybe, but more than the unworthiness of Musharaf, the incident proved the hypocrisy of the so called maulanas.
The latest five years of PPP government, were only continuation of the miseries imposed on the ordinary citizen. Load shedding, of gas and electricity, destroyed industrial life and life of an ordinary citizen of Pakistan. First time in our lives, we witnessed civil dictators, who told their starving nation to eat cakes.
The only good that we saw of this government was the development work in Multan. A historic city, which was ignored recognition and rights, under all the previous government. But the credit for the improvement of infra-structure of this city, goes to former Prime minister Mr.Yusuf Raza Gillani, only. The unfortunate part is that he was accused of favoritism for his native city. If Shahbaz Sharif, does the same for Lahore, it is justified but people of South Punjab are declared corrupt for doing the same for their own land.
Today, it gets frustrating to see, all such political parties and people, lined up for elections again. All the looters, apathetic, heartless rulers, who remained detached from the welfare of common man in their governance. How can they even dare to show their face again?
Zardari, who has already ousted the real Bhutto family, is bringing in his sisters and rest of family, sidelining his own son. Only using him, as legacy of Benazir to earn votes to strengthen his family. Nawaz Shari, Shahbaz Sharif, still cannot have enough of the government. The enlightened, the liberal, Musharaf is back, ready to play in the name of Islam this time. What a bright political future awaits us.
The only new thing, half of the country is excited about is Imran Khan and PTI. The excitement is only there, because, this man has yet, not been tried in the world of politics. Those who know him, know it well that he is too full of himself. His head is already full of his cricket victories. His arrogance is evident from the very fact that he considered it below him, to marry any ordinary Pakistani girl, but a British girl from aristocratic family. This proves, there sit somewhere in his head a king, like all our previous rulers.
After reading this, you may feel surprised that I, the writer of this blog always voted for his party, since its inception. But it always ended up in realization that my vote was lost. I have grown more skeptical now. What guarantees are there, he can repair the damages done to our nation or to our country? He has found supporters among people like Javed Hashmi and Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who left their parties, because they were not being properly honored, there. They did not see room for their personal political growth in their own parties but discovered great space for their famous faces in PTI.
And all that I see in Imran Khan is, his ambition to become Prime Minister. Nothing else. He has remained an achiever and this is just another of his goals. I seriously wish, he may win and provide a change to Pakistan. But, what is beyond that? It is not a cricket match, that he leads his team to victory, bags the trophy of premiership and the game is over. The story of politics, starts after winning. It is Pakistan that he has to run, not Shaukat Khanam charity hospital. If charity work is the criteria, than Mr. Abul Sattar Edhi, stands taller and boasts a bigger stature than him. And what's more, the gentleman has never even claimed his right to rule, like Imran Khan does.
The political scene of Pakistan, could never get more confusing than it is now. It just makes me wonder. Is our country, ever going to see some good times in future, or should I get it inscribed on a truck, with a picture of General Zia-ul-Haq, and a quote 'those were the best of times'?
And their confusion is justified. They have lost their trust in their political leaders. They have lost confidence in the power of their vote. And most serious of all, they have lost their faith in democracy.

Same was the case with Muslim (Noon) league. People looked up towards them as rescuers. Cherished their take over, when Benazir government was sent home. But they returned with a vengeance. To chew off, whatever was ever done by PPP government and flag it as their own. Selfishly focusing on Lahore and upper Punjab. Nothing for the South Punjab. And totally ignored Balocistan, Sind and NWFP.
As far as declaration of Pakistan, a nuclear state is concerned. It was done as a reaction to India's nuclear tests. It was the need of the time and any government would have taken the step. If Mian Nawaz Sharif or his government claim the credit, they should honor India more, for providing them this opportunity. It was not his government, which had developed these arsenals. But a hard working team of scientists, which spent decades on developing that technology. Nawaz Sharif and his brother, mainly remained occupied in self projection and self promotion.
This provided, a dictator like General Pervez a chance to take over. With him, came the war on terror. Which is still terrorizing our country. General Musharaf, proved another pathetic case of self gratification and self assertion.
The destruction, done to our country by this man, is irreparable. He had eight long years. If he wanted, he could get dams constructed to meet the energy challenge, but he went on for another idiotic option, the use of CNG in vehicles. Inviting another energy crisis, another great inconvenience; shortage of gas for household purposes. Not to forget, the same brought down the industrial life of our country, close to closure.
Remember folks! Modernity or enlightening of minds occur with education and by improving the standard of living of the natives of a country. Not by encouraging them to take off their clothes and go dancing to earn a living or by legalizing prostitution. What he did was, of the similar kind. He remained engrossed, projecting to the world, he was a modern man. The president of Islamic republic of Pakistan kept us well entertained by his dancing, displaying his affection for dogs. And we seriously loved it, believing it to be his humility. Not realizing, the example that he set before us will be followed by the illiterate, ignorant masses in the worst possible, vulgar ways.
What kind of liberalism, modernity or enlightenment, it brought to womanhood in Pakistan? The image of an Islamic state was tarnished, by the stage dancers, who took over the roles of striptease. Many impoverished women were openly found roaming around streets, working as prostitutes. Youtube, dailymotion and similar video sites are replete with Pakistani-semi porn. As gift of liberalism and modernism by this visionary leader. And we lament that 'porn' is the most widely searched topic in our country. With the launch of characters like Veena Malik, we proved it to the world, given the opportunity, Pakistan can be the biggest supplier of porn too.
And now, we come to the biggest political supporters of Musharraf's government. Nothing could be more ironic than 'Jamaat-e-Islami' being a part of it. The massacre of Red mosque, took right under their noses. And all the hypocrites, who claim to be called 'maulanas', went into hibernation, till the victims of that massacre were disposed off. It was few days later, that they came out on streets to protest. When everything was over and they had no fears against being sinned against sinning.
The most disturbing element there was the fact, how an Islamic/educational institute was well supplied with arms and weapons? Why the government was sleeping and what were the intelligence agencies doing while the piles of weapons were being stocked at such a primary location. Whatever, the answers maybe, but more than the unworthiness of Musharaf, the incident proved the hypocrisy of the so called maulanas.
The latest five years of PPP government, were only continuation of the miseries imposed on the ordinary citizen. Load shedding, of gas and electricity, destroyed industrial life and life of an ordinary citizen of Pakistan. First time in our lives, we witnessed civil dictators, who told their starving nation to eat cakes.
The only good that we saw of this government was the development work in Multan. A historic city, which was ignored recognition and rights, under all the previous government. But the credit for the improvement of infra-structure of this city, goes to former Prime minister Mr.Yusuf Raza Gillani, only. The unfortunate part is that he was accused of favoritism for his native city. If Shahbaz Sharif, does the same for Lahore, it is justified but people of South Punjab are declared corrupt for doing the same for their own land.
Today, it gets frustrating to see, all such political parties and people, lined up for elections again. All the looters, apathetic, heartless rulers, who remained detached from the welfare of common man in their governance. How can they even dare to show their face again?
Zardari, who has already ousted the real Bhutto family, is bringing in his sisters and rest of family, sidelining his own son. Only using him, as legacy of Benazir to earn votes to strengthen his family. Nawaz Shari, Shahbaz Sharif, still cannot have enough of the government. The enlightened, the liberal, Musharaf is back, ready to play in the name of Islam this time. What a bright political future awaits us.
The only new thing, half of the country is excited about is Imran Khan and PTI. The excitement is only there, because, this man has yet, not been tried in the world of politics. Those who know him, know it well that he is too full of himself. His head is already full of his cricket victories. His arrogance is evident from the very fact that he considered it below him, to marry any ordinary Pakistani girl, but a British girl from aristocratic family. This proves, there sit somewhere in his head a king, like all our previous rulers.
After reading this, you may feel surprised that I, the writer of this blog always voted for his party, since its inception. But it always ended up in realization that my vote was lost. I have grown more skeptical now. What guarantees are there, he can repair the damages done to our nation or to our country? He has found supporters among people like Javed Hashmi and Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who left their parties, because they were not being properly honored, there. They did not see room for their personal political growth in their own parties but discovered great space for their famous faces in PTI.
And all that I see in Imran Khan is, his ambition to become Prime Minister. Nothing else. He has remained an achiever and this is just another of his goals. I seriously wish, he may win and provide a change to Pakistan. But, what is beyond that? It is not a cricket match, that he leads his team to victory, bags the trophy of premiership and the game is over. The story of politics, starts after winning. It is Pakistan that he has to run, not Shaukat Khanam charity hospital. If charity work is the criteria, than Mr. Abul Sattar Edhi, stands taller and boasts a bigger stature than him. And what's more, the gentleman has never even claimed his right to rule, like Imran Khan does.
The political scene of Pakistan, could never get more confusing than it is now. It just makes me wonder. Is our country, ever going to see some good times in future, or should I get it inscribed on a truck, with a picture of General Zia-ul-Haq, and a quote 'those were the best of times'?