In simple words, Mr. Hammad Siddiqui is the 'the greatest GURU of blogging in Pakistan' and a big gun in the world of social media. It was my good fortune, which brought me to know him.
Allow me to narrate the story. I had created a blog, back in 2008. But till 2012, could not even think of what to write about. So, it remained almost forgotten.
A very dear friend of mine, Masooma Sibtain, who is always full of ideas, motivating others to do something; noticed my habit of writing lengthy stories as my status updates at facebook and suggested me to use this talent for writing blogs. I opened blogspot.com just to check the possibilities and was surprised to rediscover the blog, I had created few years ago.
During the days, I was pondering, what to write about. At a gathering of friends, ladies started admiring my habit of taking pictures at the parties and uploading them on facebook. And started demanding that I should tag them.
One day, after a lunch by a dear friend Hania Shahid. When all the guests left. Only few of the friends were sitting in her lounge and discussing the popularity of my activities. Another lovely friend, Mahnaz Fareed Sheikh suggested that I should go ahead and do it, on a professional level. Her admiration and suggestions puffed me up. It was exactly the time, when I decided, what I was to do with my blog. A social butterfly that I was believed to be, there was nothing more convenient for me but to write about the social life of my city, Multan. As Mahnaz had also called me, ''our own version of GT (good times magazine)''. I decided to name my blog FarihaMunirShahTimes. This is how, it all started.
Masooma was pleased to see me, coming up with this different kind of blogging idea. But could sense, I required proper guiding. For that, she suggested me to add Mr. Hammad Siddiqui on FB. That was a time, when I was extremely strict about not adding people, I knew nothing of in real life. So, I started observing his blogs at http://hammadsiddiquiblog.com instead of adding him. And believe me, it was an enchanting new world of learning for me. All of a sudden, I was reading, extremely motivating, exciting success stories of entrepreneurs. Tips about marketing, branding, etc, etc. I felt like a student of business studies, who was totally smitten by the subject. There, on the blog I noticed, link to Hammad's Twitter account and started following him. To my amazement, he followed back. But still, I could not gather courage to talk to him. One day, he asked his followers about, some auto-unfollow and I feared he may unfollow me as well. So I dared to speak to him and told him, Masooma had suggested me to seek help from him. He responded like a thorough gentleman, politely, respectfully. And immediately added me, among his list of pupils and started guiding me. Also, invited me to the blogging workshops, he conducted in Lahore, which further polished my skills and increased my knowledge as a blogger.
Ever since then, he is playing the role of a guide, a teacher, a mentor for me. It gives me immense joy, when people, who attend his workshops tell me, he uses my blog as an example (though, it is mainly to point out the flaws). Yet, I am so proud of it and thankful too.
It has been more than an year and a half of my contact with him through this social media. And the learning never stops in his company. He is an epitome of knowledge. An inspiration for many (young and old alike). Always ready and willing to help others. A wonderful friend. Extremely down to earth and decent man, who lives his life according to the religious values. But still, his good humored nature remains unharmed.
Now, after years of blogging and thousands of writings, he has finally moved on to getting his own book published. Bootstrapping Your Career by Hammad Siddiqui, will be soon available in the market. Every day, renowned, national and international scholars are posting brilliant reviews about the book. Though, I do not stand on a pedestal, as high as others. But this is my humble effort to salute a gentleman, I hold great regards for.
Going through, the excerpts which are being posted on the facebook page of his book. I would like to comment that, though this book is believed to be useful for the professionals only. But actually, it has universal appeal.
Like the phrase quoted by Mr. Hammad Siddiqui, 'You pay peanuts, you get monkeys!', is not just applicable to the professional staff, of the corporate sector only. Even ordinary housewives, can get help from such tips, while hiring servants and maids.
At another point, he mentions. ''Do you know that Freelancing and working from home is becoming a career option now. You can choose from a wide variety of opportunities from content writing, receptionist for a doctor's clinic, order booking, telemarketing etc.''
Is it not something, we all like to know?..... And at the end, just to let u know, the flavor of his writing, I am adding another of his quotes,
'If you are employed and doing well, you may think you don’t need career advice, but most people need to grow fast and progress quickly. I am one of them and I want others to grow fast too. In most cases, greater growth is due to high level contacts and networking''.
So, my suggestion to all, who aspire to get to great heights in their lives, grab a copy of this book. Whether you wear boots, high heels or plain slippers, this book will definitely, guide you to jump into better shoes.