Tuesday, December 16, 2014

"So wise so young, they say do never live long."

December 16 was already believed to be ominous in the history of Pakistan but nobody knew, it held something even more sinister for the future. What can be more callous than attack on the innocent kids? Who would be so blood thirsty and remorseless to target the helpless little toddlers, those who can not even spell the words 'killing' or 'murder'. That too in a place, where future of the nation is shaped. Where the morning begins by taking the name of Allah Almighty. Not just any sane Muslim but any human being with a little empathy for his kind, would never stoop so low.

Yet today, the entire country mourns in grief, over such an occurrence. Every heart bleeds in solidarity with parents, who lost their flesh and blood in the brutal act of terrorism in Peshawar Army Public school.

Shakespeare could possibly have predicted such a future, when he said; "So wise so young, they say do never live long."

We are all devastated by the images of this vicious incident. Innocent flowers invaded by ruthless, barbaric vultures, who brought end to their own lives too. Hundreds of families traumatized. Entire nation is in a state of shock and disbelief. Wondering! Are we ever going to be same again? What is our crime? What sin, are we being punished for?

Not a single Pakistani was involved in 9/11. Yet, our nation paid heavily for it. Our nation has suffered that one time US tragedy, every day. Our country has taken, upon itself toll of the world around it.

 What is even more heart breaking? After all these sacrifices, after all the wars of other countries, fought on our soil. Our country is still being pointed at, for harbouring terrorism, for nurturing extremism. Hatred, disgust and rejection thrown upon us as a nation.  Is this the respect, international community owes us?

When is the world going to acknowledge, Pakistan itself is a victim of terrorism. When the shocking stories like APS shooting, would shake international conscience that it is not Islam or Pakistanis, doing this, but the perpetrators are simple, plain, paid terrorists?

Talibans are not one of us but most of them are foreign nationals, hiding in our country. We are proud that Pakistan army, is fighting day and night to kick out these terrorists out of our country.

With an always attacking, always abusing neighbour like India. Which has proved a merciless enemy, never spares, even a single opportunity to defame our nationals or harm our national interests. Has thrust a media war on our nerves and is always ready to push our people in self condemnation. Don't you think, we are one of the bravest nations of the world, surviving all that?

My request to the worldwide community. Please! Extend the honour and respect for our country, which it deserves. Look at the brave souls of the soldiers, our women, little children, who get out every day and live a fearless life, despite all the odds against them. Do not mix our enemies with us and Talibans are our enemies.